You Never Step into The Same River Twice


Heraclitus famously said, “No man ever steps into the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”  

Simple, yet so profound at that same time. Life is in constant flow and we, like the river, are in a perpetual state of change. These states of change can be at the micro level, tiny changes we may not even notice, or they can be major, rock your world, types of events that leave us forever altered.  

I am speaking at TEDx Southlake this month and I sat by a river w…

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Grow or Status Quo: What are you Choosing? 


August 2024 Multi-D Musings Blog 

Grow or Status Quo: What are you Choosing? 

At the beginning of the month, I was walking in my back yard and I stopped at two trees I visit every day. I placed one hand on each tree, as I always do. The tree on my right bears a scar from being trimmed back by the previous owners to make room for the path. I often put my hand on that sawed off branch. 

On that day, I heard: "See me for my light, not for my wounds." 

I was surprised to catch myself unconscious…

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Embrace Your Rebirth: Shedding the Old with Natures Guidance


In my May blog, I shared an extraordinary experience I had with the energy of the Condor (a type of Vulture). At the time I felt a signaling of a period of personal transformation. It has been a profound two months of up-leveling my consciousness, a process of rebirth which enables me to show up even more fully for those I serve. 

Here is a recap of my experience with the Condor...  

While exploring Machu Picchu, I felt compelled to leave a small offering, dedicating the offering to the Condor…

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A Simple Gesture, A Majestic Response at Machu Picchu

Inca Window

This past Tuesday, I returned from an amazing trip to Peru. It was a personal vacation where I went “offline” for 90% of the trip so I could just be present in each moment. 

I explored many Incan ruins over seven days of non-stop adventure. I've always felt a deep pull towards ancient civilizations—these societies had a profound connection to nature, something that deeply resonates with me. I had many wonderful experiences during my trip, but it was at Machu Picchu where I experienced a moment …

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Preparing for Peru: A Spring Adventure


The March equinox, occurring this year on March 19th, marks the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere—a season synonymous with rebirth and new beginnings. As the equinox approaches, I invite you to reflect on what you are ready to manifest this spring.

Each spring, I look forward to seeing the crocuses emerge from the ground and reach for the sun. Beneath the soil, in the dark earth, so much life is waiting to burst forth and we are no different. Over the past several months, what has be…

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A Personal Reflection from an Aquarian 


A Personal Reflection from an Aquarian 

As we step into February 2024, a month symbolic of love and, for me, a personal new year (I am turning 55!), it's the perfect time for introspection and rejuvenation. As an Aquarius, I've often found my birth month to be a period of reflection and forward-thinking. And it's this Aquarian essence I want to share with you, to reignite the momentum you may have found waning since the New Year.

Aquarians are known for their visionary thoughts, relentless dri…

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How to Set Powerful Intentions in 10 Steps: Your Guide for a Transformative 2024


It’s hard to believe we are almost halfway through December. During this time of year, it's natural for many of us to spend some time in reflection. We look back at the experiences, challenges, and achievements of the past year while simultaneously peering into the future with hopeful anticipation.  

I maintain a personal journal that serves as a safe space for uncensored self-expression. In its pages, I chronicle everything – the highs, the lows, and everything in between! Today, I immersed my…

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Motorcycle Adventure: History, Dinosaur Tracks, Your Imprints

skyline dino prints

In the serenity of nature, I find a profound sense of peace and interconnectedness that often eludes us in our bustling, modern lives. To me, nature acts as a gateway to our souls, reminding us of our place in the world and igniting a sense of wonder. These moments, immersed in the breathtaking beauty of the outdoors, allow us to nourish our souls and seek solace in the embrace of the natural world. Keep reading, as I recount my recent adventure, not through a hike, but a short motorcycle ride…

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Resilience in the Face of Doubt: Lessons from Three Male Antelope


In life, we often encounter symbols and messages that hold deeper meanings for our spiritual growth. At the time of this writing, I was experiencing a “wobble” the contraction that comes after a time of expansion. I had an amazing week last week, but it also marked the one-year anniversary of losing my father. I was blessed to be with my father in consciousness at the time of his crossing, but it doesn’t make the grief any less.  

This week I wobbled because someone questioned my work in the “s…

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October Morning Message


I step out onto my deck on this early October morning, and a cloudy sky and the cool air greet me. Suddenly a rainbow appears in front of me—a beautiful way to start this day.  In the distance, I can hear an elk bugling.  I was recently asked for examples of what 5D earth would "look like." The answers come in through nature and the wisdom panel. I am curious, is there a deeper meaning to this morning’s observances? 

This morning, two reasons come to mind as to why they are bugling. To seek the…

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